December comes as a surprise, every year. Private individuals get into stress and try to get the remaining Christmas gifts. And companies quickly prepare their annual plans for the coming year. What about your out-of-home advertising annual planning for 2023? What goals has your company set for 2023? More new customers? More repeat customers? More sales?
Out-of-home advertising helps bring new customers to your business. Whether it’s through a permanent lamppost sign with a pole sign or short campaigns with billboard advertising to present offers or new products. Outdoor advertising offers different formats for different advertising goals.
Early planning pays off
You want to place out-of-home advertising for a certain timing or around a certain place, but the desired advertising media are no longer available? Particularly in the case of billboard advertising, the good locations are often booked up well in advance. Especially, at certain events or trade fairs, the relevant advertising faces are often gone quickly. Therefore, it pays to plan in advance.
Do you already know that you will be attending a trade fair in the fall? Then you can book the advertising media for the desired period many months in advance and only worry about the production 1 month beforehand. This way you can be sure that you will be visible at your event and do not have to stress shortly before.
Advertising media for people on short notice
However, there are also some advertising media for those on short notice, where availability rarely becomes a problem. Digital advertising media usually offer 4 to 6 slots for different advertisers. So, the probability is higher that one can still occupy a slot. And since you don’t have to produce posters, lead times are also shorter.
Public transport advertising, such as advertising on or in cabs, trams, buses, subways and commuter trains, also offers many available vehicles for exterior wrapping and designated frames for interior advertising. For example, there are approximately 18,000 slots in the Berlin subway for the format ‘sidestripe’.
Transport advertising cannot be limited locally around a certain small area as billboard advertising around a POS can, but it is great to generate many contacts and create citywide visibility.
Annual plan 2023
So, when it comes to campaigns around a point of interest or for an event, it pays to plan early. And with widespread transportation advertising or digital screens, you can still make use of remaining contingents at relatively short notice. What do you have planned for 2023? Would you like to find out about the new prices or formats? Feel free to contact us. We’ll send you the new presentations and be happy to submit specific offers.