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The diverse media landscape at Geneva Airport

The diverse media landscape at Geneva Airport

At Geneva Airport, the media landscape is as diverse as the travel experience itself. From digital media to traditional analog media, the formats cover all areas – from departure to parking.


The Ellinikon: eye-catching advertising with digital screens at Geneva Airport

Together with the agency THE NEWTONS LABORATORY SA, we successfully realized a campaign at Geneva Airport for the new resort of The Ellinikon. The Full Digital A & B, Digital Business Lounges and Digital Business Aviation networks were booked for the campaign. 

The choice of digital screens in the arrivals area, departures area, waiting area, baggage area and business lounge proved to be extremely effective. These locations ensured maximum visibility and reached a wide audience consisting of both arriving and departing passengers, as well as business and leisure travelers. By placing the clip on the three networks, a high number of travelers were targeted and made aware of the new resort.

The campaign is planned to run for two months, in June and November, giving the client the opportunity to target the audience at different travel times. By displaying their advertising on the digital screens across three networks, The Ellinikon could be sure of the attention of travelers.

Price example for digital screens:

network duration quantity format media price
Full digital A & B 4 weeks 60 screens UHD 2.160 x 3.840 px / FHD 1.080 x 1.920 CHF 21.292,04
Digital Business Lounges 4 weeks 8 screens UHD 2.160 x 3.840 px
Digital Business Aviation 4 weeks 1 screen UHD 2.160 x 3.840 px

plus VAT

Die Bilder sind am Flughafen Genf und zeigen ein digitaler Screen. Der digitale Screen zeigt die Werbung vom Resort The Ellinikon an. 
The pictures are taken at Geneva Airport and show a digital screen. The digital screen shows the advertisement of the resort The Ellinikon.

Attention in flight mode: digital media at Geneva Airport

By placing digital screens in the busiest areas such as arrival and departure terminals, waiting areas and business lounges, you can reach a diverse target group. The digital media are characterized by their high visibility and high perception values. This campaign has shown that digital media at Geneva Airport offers a compelling opportunity to effectively stand out and attract attention in a dynamic environment.

Outdoor advertising in Berlin: poster show cases at U-Bahn and S-Bahn stations

Outdoor advertising in Berlin: poster show cases at U-Bahn and S-Bahn stations

Poster show cases have proven to be an extremely effective medium in Berlin’s dynamic outdoor advertising landscape. Every day, they attract the attention of thousands of commuters and tourists who use the U-Bahn and S-Bahn. The posters in individual frames offer an excellent opportunity to increase brand awareness and convey targeted messages.

Independent Living Foundation: advertising vacancies in Berlin through poster show cases

Independent Living Foundation, a care and support service, is looking for committed employees for its facilities in Berlin. 

To effectively fill these vacancies, Independent Living opted for outdoor advertising on public transport (high reach, high proportion of women). They chose two specific networks for their campaign:

  1. 1. U-Bahn Network East: With this network, they targeted the eastern part of Berlin. The strategic placement of the poster display cases in subway stations ensures that the advertising messages are seen by numerous commuters and residents.
  2. Berlin 01 S-Bahn full City: This network covers the entire S-Bahn ring as well as central areas in Berlin Mitte. By placing the posters at highly frequented S-Bahn stations, Independent Living reaches a broad target group and maximizes the visibility of its job advertisements.

Price example poster display cases:

Network Duration Quantity Format Media price
Berlin S01 City gesamt 4 weeks 53 locations A1 3.487,40 €
U-Bahn Kiez Ost 4 weeks 75 locations A1 4.114,00 €

    plus VAT plus production

Effective use of poster show cases for employee recruitment in Berlin

Poster show cases at U-Bahn and S-Bahn stations are extremely effective for recruiting employees in Berlin and increasing awareness of a company or organization. 

Holistic advertising strategy: The use of outdoor advertising as A1 posters in the poster show cases allowed Independent Living not only to advertise their vacancies in a targeted manner, but also to strengthen their brand image and position themselves as an attractive employer in Berlin. This holistic advertising strategy underlines the importance of well-thought-out outdoor advertising for the success and growth of a company in a dynamic city like Berlin.

Trade Fair Advertising in Barcelona

Trade Fair Advertising in Barcelona

Shoptalk in Barcelona is a place where the future of retail is discussed and shaped. The latest technologies and trends, new business models – everything is put on the retail table in Barcelona. At Shoptalk, you can meet the most important players in the industry.

Our client Bloomreach was there and opted for digital City Light posters at the stations leading to the trade fair. Their clip was played out on 46 screens (8 stations) for three days. Efficiently reaching the exact target group – that’s Bloomreach.

We are passionate about planning and realizing the advertising presence to the left and right of trade fairs and congresses in European cities. Where is your next trade fair?


Reach 5 mio. Contacts with Advitising on Columns

Reach 5 mio. Contacts with Advitising on Columns

Each column and each large-scale billboard was evaluated according to a standardized national survey form. The criteria of location quality, traffic flows, density and equipment of the advertising media were taken into account. The result was a contact number, an advertising media contact opportunity. Our client Pro Agro relied on columns with its “Landpartie” campaign and occupied a network of 200 locations. This network achieved an advertising contact opportunity of 5.7 million over one week.
Of course, other factors play a role in whether you are seen or not, too. For example, the color scheme and the format itself. High-contrast colors and a poster in the middle of the pillar will score points in terms of perception. This is why A1 posters are never pasted right at the top of the columns. The distance to the viewer would be too great and they would not be able to read the text. The headline should carry the most essential information in a sufficient size and can be immediately taken in by pedestrians or cyclists. The Landpartie in Paaren will certainly be well attended, we are keeping our fingers crossed for our customer.


Poster campain targeted at schools

Poster campain targeted at schools

The Weiterdenker (German for: thinking beyond), a German College for Social Pedagogy  lived up to their namw. The aim of the campaign was to address graduating students with posters and introduce the Weiterdenker Fachschule. We were given a list of school addresses and fed the system with it. The result was large billboards and columns in the immediate vicinity.

Large billboards and exclusive columns can be booked individually. This means that you can put together your own personal network of advertising media from the available locations: directly at the school, on the way to the bus or train, at the side exit of the school, etc. This is what makes this combination so efficient. And both media are booked according to a decade system, they start and end at the same time.

Our customer opted for the 8/1 format for the columns. Three posters are glued end to end next to each other to wrap the column. Our customer made sure that the poster creative still fit together at the edge. Great job! Keep up the good work and good luck.

Trade fair offer: Nuremberg Interzoo

Trade fair offer: Nuremberg Interzoo

Trade fairs are a major challenge for exhibitors and for us as media consultants. Interzoo is an international trade fair in Nuremberg. This is where the whole world meets, this is the leading trade fair for the pet industry. Our client Champions Petfoods from the Netherlands wanted to impress trade visitors and buyers with a strong brand presence and decided on airport advertising.

All trade visitors meet at the baggage carousels and at the central exit, whatever country they come from. Here, Champions Petfoods occupied a large Coloramen on the wall. The brand could not be overlooked. 

The areas around the exhibition grounds are an ideal addition. If visitors come to the trade fair by train, they can be addressed with the City Light posters at the station. If they come by car, large areas show their impact

We know the exhibition grounds and the arrival and departure routes and can provide our customers with the best advice for their trade fair appearance in Nuremberg. Our customers achieve maximum success with just a few spaces, even with a small budget.