(030) 22 45 89 97 info@wtm-aussenwerbung.de

Poster show cases have proven to be an extremely effective medium in Berlin’s dynamic outdoor advertising landscape. Every day, they attract the attention of thousands of commuters and tourists who use the U-Bahn and S-Bahn. The posters in individual frames offer an excellent opportunity to increase brand awareness and convey targeted messages.

Independent Living Foundation: advertising vacancies in Berlin through poster show cases

Independent Living Foundation, a care and support service, is looking for committed employees for its facilities in Berlin. 

To effectively fill these vacancies, Independent Living opted for outdoor advertising on public transport (high reach, high proportion of women). They chose two specific networks for their campaign:

  1. 1. U-Bahn Network East: With this network, they targeted the eastern part of Berlin. The strategic placement of the poster display cases in subway stations ensures that the advertising messages are seen by numerous commuters and residents.
  2. Berlin 01 S-Bahn full City: This network covers the entire S-Bahn ring as well as central areas in Berlin Mitte. By placing the posters at highly frequented S-Bahn stations, Independent Living reaches a broad target group and maximizes the visibility of its job advertisements.

Price example poster display cases:

Network Duration Quantity Format Media price
Berlin S01 City gesamt 4 weeks 53 locations A1 3.487,40 €
U-Bahn Kiez Ost 4 weeks 75 locations A1 4.114,00 €

    plus VAT plus production

Effective use of poster show cases for employee recruitment in Berlin

Poster show cases at U-Bahn and S-Bahn stations are extremely effective for recruiting employees in Berlin and increasing awareness of a company or organization. 

Holistic advertising strategy: The use of outdoor advertising as A1 posters in the poster show cases allowed Independent Living not only to advertise their vacancies in a targeted manner, but also to strengthen their brand image and position themselves as an attractive employer in Berlin. This holistic advertising strategy underlines the importance of well-thought-out outdoor advertising for the success and growth of a company in a dynamic city like Berlin.