(030) 22 45 89 97 info@wtm-aussenwerbung.de

The Weiterdenker (German for: thinking beyond), a German College for Social Pedagogy  lived up to their namw. The aim of the campaign was to address graduating students with posters and introduce the Weiterdenker Fachschule. We were given a list of school addresses and fed the system with it. The result was large billboards and columns in the immediate vicinity.

Large billboards and exclusive columns can be booked individually. This means that you can put together your own personal network of advertising media from the available locations: directly at the school, on the way to the bus or train, at the side exit of the school, etc. This is what makes this combination so efficient. And both media are booked according to a decade system, they start and end at the same time.

Our customer opted for the 8/1 format for the columns. Three posters are glued end to end next to each other to wrap the column. Our customer made sure that the poster creative still fit together at the edge. Great job! Keep up the good work and good luck.