(030) 22 45 89 97 info@wtm-aussenwerbung.de

Each column and each large-scale billboard was evaluated according to a standardized national survey form. The criteria of location quality, traffic flows, density and equipment of the advertising media were taken into account. The result was a contact number, an advertising media contact opportunity. Our client Pro Agro relied on columns with its “Landpartie” campaign and occupied a network of 200 locations. This network achieved an advertising contact opportunity of 5.7 million over one week.
Of course, other factors play a role in whether you are seen or not, too. For example, the color scheme and the format itself. High-contrast colors and a poster in the middle of the pillar will score points in terms of perception. This is why A1 posters are never pasted right at the top of the columns. The distance to the viewer would be too great and they would not be able to read the text. The headline should carry the most essential information in a sufficient size and can be immediately taken in by pedestrians or cyclists. The Landpartie in Paaren will certainly be well attended, we are keeping our fingers crossed for our customer.